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Santa Marina Golf was one of the last courses designed by the Cantabrian Severiano Ballesteros. With this course, Cantabria has a modern and competitive golf course, located in privileged and spectacular terrain. It is a course with a wide variety of holes, perfectly integrated into the natural terrain.

The second 9 holes, the Severiano Ballesteros course, are more complicated than the first 9: the second part of the course is larger and the long game pays off, while in the first part water comes into play and the holes are completely flat . However, it is in the first half, on the Ramón Sota course, that strategy and precision are most important, with numerous streams and obstacles directly impacting the holes (2 to 9). As Seve himself stated: “The most difficult part of the course are holes 4, 5 and 6, to be compared to the famous “Amen Corner”. If you overcome these holes, you will get to the end.

This course is designed for all levels of players: it is fun for those with higher handicaps and can represent a real challenge for professional players, who will really have to use all the woods and irons at their disposal.