Golf Club La Colombera organized its first Pro-Am

The sporting season of Golf Club La Colombera continues at full speed with the first Pro-Am. Thirteen teams each led by a PGAI professional competed on the Brescia course in the first Pro-Am by Borgosesia which took place played with 18-hole Stableford Louisiana formula with 5 players.

The event is It was a great success both for amateur players, who found a pitch in splendid conditions, and for professionals.

Congratulations go to the teams that won the net and gross rankings:

  • 1° team classified gross: Besana, Fachinetti, Maisto, Alborghetti, Razza
  • 1° clear ranked team: Archetti, Dal Canto, Vecchi, Pinto, Varinelli
  • 2° clear ranked team: Sigoli, Aroldi, Denti, Grassi, Serotti
  • 3° team clearly classified: Betti, Senici, Lisciotto, Ghidini, Lancini

A special mention goes to the professional Alessandro Napoleoni who scored a hole-in-one.